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Talking Points: U.S. Questions How To Respond To Rebel Advances In Iraq

Fighting continues in Iraq with government forces continuing to try and hold off the advances of Sunni militants. The appearance this weekend of the militant spiritual leader Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi at a mosque in Mosul, despite a $10 million U.S. bounty on his head, is seen as a further sign of how emboldened the rebels have become. Questions are also growing over whether the U.S. should back an effort to replace the current president of Iraq, Nouri Al-Maliki.


Iraqi Interpreter Comes To Minn. With Local Veteran's Help

There are a lot of good stories this time of year about people giving back. But the greatest gift this holiday season may be what Twin Cities war veteran Paul Braun gave to an Iraqi man he met while overseas. The man, known as Phillip, put his life on the line to serve as an interpreter for Braun and his fellow soldiers. Braun first met Phillip, whose real name is Khalid, when he was assigned to the 34th Military Police company in Basra, Iraq in 2009.


Vets From Two Very Different Wars Reflect On The Fallen

Memorial Day is especially meaningful for the families, friends and comrades left behind. While Veterans today are reflecting on lives lost during combat, they are also thinking of the families left without loved ones and the pain they endure every day.Their war experiences were different. Landon Steele was a combat medic in Iraq. Chuck Sasse was a flight engineer in World War II. But the emptiness they carry from the loss of their comrades is the same.

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