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Al Franken


GOP's Ortman To Honor Endorsement In Senate Race

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Julianne Ortman says she will drop her bid to run against Democratic Sen. Al Franken if she doesn't get the GOP endorsement. Ortman says Thursday that the party's U.S. Senate candidate will have to rely on the GOP leaders and activists who bestow the party's endorsement at its state convention in May. She says the sooner the party can unite behind one candidate the better chance it will have to unseat Franken.


Franken Haul Leads As Minn. Candidates Tally Cash

Government dysfunction aside, landing or keeping a job in the Washington power structure can be a pricey endeavor. Candidates for the U.S. House and Senate demonstrated that again Tuesday with fundraising reports showing the collective millions they've raised and spent to seek elected office. The reports cover activity from July through September, seed money most will need to remain competitive by the time next fall's elections roll around.

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