Pictures Severe Weather Photos From Aug. 16, 2016 August 17, 2016 / 8:39 AM CDT / CBS News (credit: Lauren Sanda) Storm Clouds Over Elk River (credit: Bruce Centerwall) Storm Clouds Over Elk River (credit: Bruce Centerwall) Storm Clouds Over Elk Riverf (credit: Jibri Copeland) Storm Clouds Over North Oaks (credit: Nicole Lafond Kunza) Storm Clouds Over Blaine (credit: Wendy Picton) Storm Clouds Over Elk River (credit: Wes Alseth) Storm Clouds Over Hugo credit: Liz Mewes Okuku) Storm Clouds Over Northfield (credit: Charmane Olson) Storm Clouds Over Prescott (credit: Grace Sweetser) Storm Clouds Over Rogers (credit: Ruth) Hail In Waterville (credit: Michelle Sabyan) storm8162016_damage Rainbow After The Storm (credit: Mike Cotton Rainbow Over Minneapolis (credit: Lauren Sanda) Rainbow Over Nowthen (credit: Kristin Lamotte Weber) After The Storm (credit: Bestsy Boegeman)