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Wilf And Gov. Dayton Talk Vikings Stadium

By Pat Kessler, WCCO-TV

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) –- It appears that Minnesota Vikings owner Zygi Wilf had an unannounced meeting Thursday night with Gov. Mark Dayton.

The two talked about the recently proposed Vikings stadium legislation.

The 10-minute meeting occurred at St. Paul's University Club, after Wilf made a surprise hi-how-are-you visit to the capital.

Dayton told reporters the meeting wasn't planned and described their conversation as 'casual'.

"He seemed hopeful, and I said I was hopeful that this could be passed through the legislature this session," Dayton said. "It's still to be determined, but I remain hopeful."

Wilf told reporters that the response he got from politicians made him confident the bill will be debated and voted on.

"Through all the input that we heard here, I think we've moved this thing a long way toward getting this stadium deal done, and we're very optimisitc it will get done this year," Wilf said.

The Vikings are raising their stadium flag at the Capitol as the session winds down to its final days.

However, Republican lawmakers and Dayton are far from agreement on priority one: balancing the budget.

Top GOP leaders did not meet with the Wilf and said they have no plans to do so.

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