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Sen. Klobuchar outraged over ruling on abortion pill mifepristone: "What is it going to be next?"

Sen. Amy Klobuchar outraged over abortion pill ruling
Sen. Amy Klobuchar outraged over abortion pill ruling 01:13

WASHINGTON D.C. – Minnesota's senior United States senator is weighing in on the debate over a key abortion medication.

The United States Supreme Court is now deciding what to do about two conflicting lower court rulings about the drug mifepristone. For now, access to the abortion drug remains the same.

READ MORE: Most want abortion pill to remain available - CBS News poll

The Supreme Court temporarily blocked a ruling by a Texas federal judge suspending FDA approval of the drug until Wednesday, while justices decide if they will consider the case.  


Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar discussed the situation Sunday morning on ABC's "This Week."

"To me, this is unbelievable. This is a drug that has been on the market for over 20 years. FDA does thorough review, finds it safe. You've got it safe in 60 countries," Klobuchar said. "One judge from Amarillo, Texas, two judges on the Fifth Circuit -- all of them Trump-appointed -- should not be making a decision for women across the country. What is it going to be next? Is that judge not going to like birth control pills? Are we gonna a have a judge that doesn't like Lipitor? There is a reason that Congress gave FDA the power to make these decisions about safety."

Mifepristone is used for about half of abortions in the U.S.

READ MORE: Minnesota officials warn Texas ruling on abortion drug mifepristone could affect people here

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