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1 million gallons of wastewater spilled from a northern Minnesota energy plant

Morning headlines from July 17, 2024
Morning headlines from July 17, 2024 03:04

COHASSET, Minn. — Multiple state and federal agencies are working together following a massive spill of coal ash wastewater from a northern Minnesota energy plant.

According to Minnesota Power, it's estimated that 1 million gallons of wastewater was spilled from the Bowell Energy Center in Cohasset, with an unknown amount reaching Blackwater Lake. The lake is connected to the Mississippi River. 

"The leak occurred from a pipeline that transfers the wastewater from an inactive coal combustion residual pond to the plant for process water," a statement from Minnesota Power said. 

Minnesota Power said the leak was detected around 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday. They contacted the MPCA and EPA 15 minutes later. Minnesota Power is now monitoring potential impacts to surface water and wildlife. 

"The pond, which is inactive, is monitored 24/7 and as soon as the discharge was detected, action was taken to stop the flow of ash wastewater and contain the leak from surface waters," the statement said. 

Minnesota Power said it immediately notified the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency. The power company is also working closely with other agencies to identify and assess the impacts and determine the cause of the leak. 

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