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Warm, dry and windy weather contribute to rising allergy levels around Minnesota

Why allergy season is so bad right now
Why allergy season is so bad right now 01:53

MINNEAPOLIS -- If your eyes are watering or your nose is stuffed up, you're not alone. Allergy levels are high in much of Minnesota right now.

As the temperatures go up, so does the number of allergens in the air.

"We just started hearing from my parents as of this morning," Dr. Pramod Kelkar, an allergist at Allina Health, said. "Allergy symptoms, typically nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itchy watery eyes."

Pollen spreads most easily when it's hot, dry and windy outside, which means if Minnesota has another year of drought, it could also be another year of suffering for those with allergies.

RELATED: Tips for managing spring allergies

Despite one of the wettest winters on record, southwestern Minnesota is still under a drought.

"Springtime is tree pollens, summertime is grass pollen, and fall time is ragweed. And mold is going to be spring, summer, fall," Dr. Kelkar said.

Doctors say allergies don't have to knock you out on a nice day.

"Don't deny yourself the pleasure of outdoors because we have so many good treatment options available these days -- over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, allergy immunotherapy or allergy shots -- that nobody should be suffering from allergies. As long as they have the right treatment plan, they should be perfectly fine," Dr. Kelkar said.

Doctors also recommend taking a shower after outdoor activity to wash off pollen and keep it from spreading.

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