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Two Podcasting Plymouth Girls Get National Recognition

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- Technology plays a big part in our lives, and two young girls in Plymouth, Minn., are helping other kids understand how it all works through a nationally-recognized podcast.

In the basement his home, Dave Swerdlick and his two daughters bond with a weekly podcast called Kid Friday, which beat out thousands of other podcast to reach the finals of the podcast awards.

"I'm really surprised that we were one of ten podcasts in a couple of different categories with 1.4 million votes," Swerdlick said.

Nominated in two categories, "People's Choice" and "Best Education", this team of podcasters is focused on teaching and learning.

"There are so many podcasts out there on technology but it's all geared towards adults and there is nothing out there for kids," Swerdlick said.
The girls think what they do on the podcast is awesome.

"I really like doing it, and I like knowing that people are learning new stuff and I learn new stuff from it too," said 13-year-old Hannah Swerdlick.

Her sister, 10-year-old Zoe, said she loves getting fan mail.

"I really like the emails because it is really interesting just to hear all the emails from all around the world and see that someone is actually listening to us," Zoe said.

Cool is the fact that the podcast is a family affair. The girls' camera shy mother, Carrie Swerdlick, is never far away, and the family pet, Winston, is always around support the girls and even warm their feet with his fur.

"It's really easy just talking to my family, because I know my family," Hannah said.

Nothing breeds togetherness like hanging out in the basement studio for hours with family.

"At first we just did this in the basement and we did it for a fun family thing; and it became really big and I thought it was so cool," Zoe said.

Podcasting began in 2005, and the Swerdlicks have been doing it since 2007. For now there is no end in sight for the talent behind Kid Friday and its thousands of listeners worldwide.

The family would love for you to vote for them as your favorite. You can do that at the Kid Friday Podcast website.

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