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Term limits pits questions of stagnation against expertise

Midday headlines from Oct. 11, 2022
Midday headlines from Oct. 11, 2022 02:06

BISMARCK, N.D. — North Dakota voters in November will decide whether to impose term limits on the governor and state lawmakers.

It's a change supporters say would bring in new blood and term-limit foes decry as a blow to institutional knowledge of the Legislature.

Measure 1 would add a new article to the state constitution, effective Jan. 1, 2023, imposing term limits of eight cumulative years each in the House and Senate. The governor could not be elected more than twice. Term limits would not be retroactive -- meaning the service of current officeholders would not count against them.

The measure's language also would bar the Legislature from proposing amendments to alter or repeal the term limits; only citizens would be able to do so. The measure does not affect Congress.

Measure Chairman Jared Hendrix says he's found a general sense that people don't feel well represented at local and congressional levels.

"I think people inherently know that you're not going to get reform with the same people stuck in positions for decades," Hendrix told the Bismarck Tribune.

Many Democratic and Republican lawmakers have spoken out against the measure.

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Joan Heckaman said lawmakers have a lot to learn when in Bismarck, she said.

"If you think you can learn it in eight years, which would be four sessions, you're mistaken," she said. "I think to understand all of the different workings of all the agencies and then the in-depths of appropriations takes a long time to get knowledgeable about it, and when you don't do that, someone else will take over and run North Dakota rather than the legislators will, I'm afraid."

The measure was roiled in fraud allegations that reached the state Supreme Court last summer.

The court mandated a public vote on the measure, despite Secretary of State Al Jaeger initially rejecting it, citing irregularities such as noncitizens circulating petitions and pay-per-signature bonuses, which state law prohibits.

A Tribune analysis counted 66 of 141 lawmakers who have served more than eight years; 28 have served 20 years or more.

Notably, about 30 lawmakers won't be back next year, several of them high profile due to retirements, re-election losses and redistricting.

Gov. Doug Burgum won his second term in 2020 and supports term limits.

"We fully support term limits and have for years," Burgum said in a statement. "While most statewide offices aren't included in the measure, it's a good first step and we support it and encourage North Dakotans to give it their full consideration."

Fifteen states have term limits for lawmakers; 36 states have gubernatorial term limits.

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