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Alleged ring leader of St. Paul copper thefts pleads guilty

5 charged in connection to St. Paul copper thefts
5 charged in connection to St. Paul copper thefts 00:24

The alleged ring leader charged in connection with stealing wiring from streetlights in St. Paul has pleaded guilty.

Kyaw Klay pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of aiding and abetting energy or telecom damage or theft of line insulate wire, cable or current of line or cable.

Klay is among at least five suspects charged in connection to the copper thefts that took place between Nov. 10, 2023, and Jan. 15, 2024.

Investigators say a confidential informant led them to the group's ringleader, Klay. He allegedly received more than $12,000 from stealing the copper.

Police say Klay rounded up a crew to steal the copper and would then sell it to recycling plants with the help of Paw Hkee La.

Sentencing for Klay is scheduled for May.

Another defendant, Eh Tha Blay, is set to have their trial begin in June.

Meanwhile, Nay Thar was sentenced in September to three years probation for aiding and abetting first-degree property damage.

NOTE: The original airdate of the video attached to this article is May 1, 2024. 

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