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Soren Sorensen: 2018 Election Guide

Welcome to's 2018 political guide!

We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Senate, Governor, U.S Congress, Attorney General, Secretary of State and State Auditor this fall. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of our viewer's questions.

Above is the video and below the answers Soren Sorensen provided. This is not a paid advertisement nor does WCCO endorse any candidate.

Responses from Soren Sorensen, DFL candidate for the 8th District:

Do you support changing the law to release non-violent drug offenders currently serving federal prison terms?

I support the decriminalization of marijuana and of consensual adult sex work. This will reduce the prison population and reduce the cost to tax payers of our Federal correctional system.

Should Congress appropriate $25 billion to build a security wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?

No. We were told Mexico will pay for Trump's wall. Has Trump made that happen? No. Trump made the wall and forced deportations an issue to embolden racists. We need to reject Trump's racist agenda, and remove him from office before he does even more harm to our Nation of Laws.

Should children brought to the United States with their parents illegally be given a path to U.S. citizenship, or should they be deported to their native countries?

I support DACA and the Dreamers. Children who have grown up with out documents, in this country, have attained cultural and language proficiency and are contributing to our society. It is a grave injustice to deport these children from the only stable homeland they have known.

In the case of children fleeing violence in their home countries, they should be able to stay in this country and have their day in court to establish their claim to asylum.

Do you think North Korea will "denuclearize," as President Trump says it will?

No. Trump is a foolish and dishonest person.

Do you believe in climate change, and should the U.S. rejoin the Paris climate accords?

Yes, and yes. I will also work to establish a mechanism for Tribal, state, county and perhaps private land managers to tap into global programs to manage forests and wetlands to sequester carbon. Programs like REDD+ pay communities to live in a sustainable way in their critical habitats to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation.

Canada is retaliating for the U.S. tariffs by imposing tariffs of its own on Minnesota products. Among the Minnesota products: grain, aluminum, boats and boat accessories, packaged dairy products, ATVs, and much more. China imposed retaliatory tariffs on Minnesota soybeans and pork products. Do you believe it will hurt Minnesota producers?

Yes. People who are hurting because of Trump's trade wars should vote for Democrats. As a Democrat with significant experience interacting with Southeast Asian nations on issues including agriculture and trade, I believe I am the MN-08 candidate that has the most to offer Minnesota's business, agricultural and manufacturing sectors in resolving the current and future crises triggered by Trump's tantrums and missteps.


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