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Reality Check: A Political Ad That's Fair?

The Republican Governors Association today jumped into the Minnesota governor's race again, donating $1 million for advertising aimed at electing Tom Emmer.

The RGA's seven-figure infusion will be routed through a group known as Minnesota's Future, which has run ads critical of Democrat Mark Dayton and the Independence Party's Tom Horner. It comes on top of $830,000 in previously reported RGA contributions to the group.

Meanwhile, an ad now being aired by the group passes the Reality Check civility test.

You might not agree with the choices it sets up on behalf of Emmer, but they are simply stated, and not negative.

"If you support Obama's health care plan and think we should raise taxes to balance the budget then your choices are Mark Dayton and Tom Horner," the ad begins.

That's FAIR. This pro-business group is opposed to the new health care plan, but it avoids pejorative descriptions.

The ad ignores Dayton's and Horner's budget cuts, but it's true both candidates are also proposing multi-billion dollar tax hikes.

Tom Emmer
Tom Emmer

The ad continues: "But if you oppose Obama's health care plan and think we should balance the budget by cutting taxes instead of raising taxes then you have one good choice: Tom Emmer."

This, too, is FAIR.

You don't have to agree, but that's the essence of the Emmer campaign: deep budget cuts and working to repeal the new health care bill.

Minnesota Future's Chris Tiedeman said Thursday the RGA remains confident Emmer can keep the Minnesota seat in GOP's hands despite recent polls suggesting he is trailing. The ads will run on TV, radio and the Internet.

Minnesota's Future also got a $25,000 check Thursday from Hubbard Broadcasting, which owns KSTP-TV.

The Democratic Governors Association has also poured substantial money into the race, including $1 million between late September and early October. The DGA has channeled $1.5 million in total through a left-leaning group known as WIN Minnesota.

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