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Powderhorn Park construction delayed due to environmental testing

WCCO digital headlines: Mid-morning of May 2, 2023
WCCO digital headlines: Mid-morning of May 2, 2023 02:14

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -- Construction work for the new playground, paths and nature play area at the southeast corner of Powderhorn Park have been delayed due to environmental testing. 

Last winter, routine soil tests found the presence of fly ash -- a commonly found contaminate -- as far down as 12 feet below soil surface in some locations. 

Fly ash at a depth of 12 feet does not pose a risk to the public. However, in order for construction to resume, the soil needs to be tested for any other possible subsurface contamination. If further soil testing does identify other contaminates, the contaminated soil will be removed and disposed of. 

Testing will be completed this spring, so construction bids can be solicited this fall. Construction for park improvements is now planned for spring 2024.

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