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N. Minneapolis Homeowner Apologizes For Controversial Piñatas

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- A north Minneapolis man who runs a piñata business out of his home is apologizing for what he said was a misunderstanding that stirred outrage online last week.

Victor Chavarria, the owner of Happy Kids Piñatas, says he recently filled an order for a wedding that included piñata replicas of the wedding party, which included white, Latino and African-American men and women.

A neighbor snapped a picture of the African-American piñatas hanging outside the home, which went viral on social media.

Chavarria offered an explanation and apology on his business's Facebook page:

Thank you to many of our North Minneapolis community leaders for your words of wisdom. I deeply care about the concern...

Posted by Happy Kids Piñatas on Saturday, May 5, 2018

"I deeply care about the concern out there. if you allow me, I could try to respectfully share with you how we, Hispanics, interpret piñatas in celebrations: We want to teach our children to reach for the goodness inside, regardless of the shape," he wrote. "The birthday kid usually chooses a liked character such spider man or a Disney princess. In this case, i was making piñatas for a wedding, that happened to include Caucasian, Latino and African American groom and bridesmaids."

Chavarria tells WCCO he'll no longer be hanging piñatas outside his home.

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