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North Minneapolis voters address issues most important to them this election season

North Minneapolis residents share how they’re feeling about presidential race
North Minneapolis residents share how they’re feeling about presidential race 02:47

MINNEAPOLIS — Outside the busy kitchen at Wendy House of Soul, there was enthusiasm.

Northside resident Tiara Brown shared her thoughts on Kamala Harris.  

"Oh I like her," said Brown. "She's speaking the truth."

Though, Brown has her own concerns about this election season, mostly when it comes to inflation and negative campaign rhetoric.

"I think overall respect for people is important just how you talk to people and treat people," said Brown. "I think Kamala Harris addresses my concerns based on all the issues that I mentioned."

National polls show Harris still has a ways to go to get to President Biden's support among Black voters. 

According to CNN, back in 2020, polls showed Mr. Biden leading with 87% of support from Black voters. That same poll showed only 12% of Black voters supported former President Donald Trump.

In a CNN poll from 2024, 79% of Black voters back Harris and 16% back Trump, a margin of 63% still overwhelmingly well shy of Mr. Biden's 75% margin.

Harris is also trailing Biden's numbers among Black man. 

Nineteen-year-old Devon Lewis worries about inflation and is voting for Donald Trump. 

"Gas has been outrageous lately," said Lewis. "Food too." 

Malaika Allen is an education activist. She is undecided and may not vote at all. 

"Education plays a big role in everything we do," said Allen. "I am not seeing on either side those issues being addressed."

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