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Neighbors weigh in on updated air permit for Water Gremlin

Neighbors weigh in on Water Gremlin investigation
Neighbors weigh in on Water Gremlin investigation 00:33

MINNEAPOLIS -- Neighbors weighed in Thursday night on new rules for Water Gremlin, a Twin Cities company that WCCO has investigated for more than three years. 

In 2019, the state fined the manufacture for emitting illegal and unsafe levels of a cancer causing chemical into the air for more than 15 years, in violation of its permit. This spring, health officials said the chemicals might have hurt the health of people living in White Bear Township. 

RELATED: MDH Assessment Spells Out Health Risk From Chemicals Released By Water Gremlin

The state now has an updated air permit for the company, calling for emission limits and other strict requirements.

On Thursday night, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency hosted a community meeting for feedback on the new rules. The agency is accepting comments through Aug. 20. Click here to learn more.  

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