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Minnesota Senate bill aims to ban AI programs that create fake sexualized images

Minnesota bill aimed at combating AI-generated nude images
Minnesota bill aimed at combating AI-generated nude images 01:32

A bill to ban apps and websites that create fake, sexualized pictures of people has been introduced in the Minnesota Senate. 

The programs allow a third party to take a picture of a person and create an AI nude photo or even a pornographic video that appears to be that person. 

The bill introduced by Sen. Erin Maye Quade, DFL-Apple Valley, would require companies to turn off consumer access to use or request nudification technology in Minnesota, and any company that fails to remove the feature could face a $500,000 fine.

"I have been humiliated," said Megan Hurley, a victim who spoke about her experience at the State Capitol Monday. "I have never taken nude pictures or exchanged nudes with anybody, but because of this easily accessible website, there are convincing graphic images and pornographic videos on the internet of me forever."

The proposed legislation would also make it easier for victims to file lawsuits.

ChatGPT and Meta already have rules in place that don't allow for the technology. 

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