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Minnesota Adult Obesity Rate Rising Slower Than Neighboring States

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- The Minnesota Department of Health says Minnesota has a slower obesity increase rate than neighboring states.

The obesity rate rose to 28.4 percent in 2017, but remains under the national rate of 30.1 percent. Minnesota is now the only state in the Midwest census region--a sample of 12 states--with a rate below 30 percent.

Researchers took data from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention's 2017 study and found that physical activity and diet have significant influence on the rise in the state's obesity rate. They found those who reported engaging in physical activity and eating at least one serving of fruits and one serving of vegetables per day had lower obesity rates.

"The latest information for the CDC emphasizes that we have more work to do in our state," said Jan Malcolm, Minnesota's commissioner of health. "At the same time, it shows that Minnesota is outperforming our neighbors."


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