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Minn. Can Help As Federal Unemployment Runs Out

By Steve Murphy, NewsRadio 830 WCCO

ST. PAUL (WCCO) -- Time is running out for thousands of Minnesotans who are collecting federal emergency unemployment benefits.

"We're concerned this weekend because Congress did not act on extending the emergency unemployment and starting on Sunday we'll see a fair number of Minnesotans begin to run out of unemployment benefits," said Dan McElroy, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

But McElroy says it's not time to panic.

"Minnesota is one of a few states that has an additional program called Extended Benefits. Many people who will phase out of the federal program will get 13 weeks of state benefits," he explained.

More than 62,000 Minnesotans are currently receiving federal payments, having exhausted their state benefits. McElroy urges them to contact one of Minnesota's 46 workforce centers. is also helpful.


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