The Loppet is still a go, despite our lack of snow
MINNEAPOLIS — Snow, or no snow, a Minneapolis staple is still a go.
Skiers from all over are ready to take on the course at this years Loppet.
"Just go hard – as hard as I can, and hopefully feel good about it at the end.," said skier Adrienne Keller. "Two years in a row now, we haven't had much snow, it's rough, but hopefully somethings coming in the next few days."
Keller is grateful to see the snow. But the 5 kilometer course at this year's winter Loppet is entirely manmade..
"We're getting to the point now where we always have scenario one, which includes natural snow," said executive director Meghan Cosgrove. "And scenario two, which is depending on our manmade snow. We're really grateful it's been cold."
We k"new we could make the snow. We'd all like to see some natural snowfall this winter – I think it's still possible. We have a long stretch ahead of us," said Cosgrove. "We'd love to be able to open the full extent of our trails. Just super glad that we have artificial snow to be able to enjoy winter when nature doesn't deliver."
The Loppet events continue next weekend - with the luminary Loppet a week from Saturday at Lake of the Isles.