Jordana's Blog: The Most Beautiful Things I've Ever Heard
"I'm going to give you everything you've ever wanted, or I'm going to die trying."
The words took my breath away, I had never heard anything so beautiful before. Words are powerful and when they are used for good, spoken with love, they can create moments and feelings you never forget. Valentine's Day has me thinking, not about what to give or get or what to wear (OK, I'm thinking about what to wear a little), but I'm really thinking about the moments I felt the most love.
Love is best when it's shared so I solicited some help in sharing my friends most poignant, loving moments. This is not just about romantic love. Some quotes were spoken by spouses, lovers, friends, doctors, parents and even kids, but they are all some of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Mom, I want to be your son forever."
"You are a work of art."
"Trust me, I'm going to save your life." (Said by a Neurologist.)
"Thank you for being an amazing woman. You are beautiful, you are so beautiful. And you are just as beautiful on the inside."
"Mom, I love you more than fairies."
"I am never leaving."
"The cancer is gone."
"Your kids have such nice manners."
"You are my sister, you save me everyday."
(after laughing hysterically with her brother and sister) "I'm so glad I have this family."
"If there is someone sitting between us on the plane I will physically remove them because I never want to be more than two inches away from you."
"You guys are great parents, you help each other and really work as a team."
"I will always have your back, even when you're wrong."
"Congratulations, you are now a mother/father."
"Mom, my friends say you are the coolest mom."
"It's 3:05 and I love you,
in 5 minutes I'm going to love you,
in 5 weeks, I will love you,
in 5 months I will love you,
in 55 years, after we're dead, I will still love you."
It doesn't have to be poetry, but everyone remembers beautiful words. (Yes, we remember ugly words too, so we'll all have to watch what we say.) Even after the people who said them are gone from our lives, their words are still present. I hope this Valentine's Day and every day, for you, is filled with beautiful words.
Please share the most beautiful thing you've ever heard or said, post below or on my Facebook page, I will share them on the air Thursday night.