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Storms down 1,000 trees at Isanti faith retreat center: "It's overwhelming"

Isanti County retreat center devasted by severe storms
Isanti County retreat center devasted by severe storms 01:43

ISANTI, Minn. — While most cleanup from last week's storms  is already done, a Twin Cities faith-based retreat center is worried theirs could take much longer.  

In its 36 years, Isanti's Pacem in Terris hasn't seen a storm like the one that rolled through on Monday. It took just 36 minutes, give or take a few, for its 240 acres to see more than 1,000 downed trees.

Even after days of work, it's overwhelming to staff. The retreat whose name translates to "Peace on Earth," but executive director Tim Drake says peace is now at a premium.

"I think it's overwhelming. I have been overwhelmed for the past week and I think our staff has, too," Drake said. "The grounds were absolutely littered with trees, everywhere. Every road, every trail."


A dozen of the retreat center's cabins were damaged, which Drake says insurance will cover. What insurance won't cover, however, is the hundreds of trees that fell on roads and trails.

"To see the destruction, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. And I think as the director, my next sort of thought was, 'How in the world are we going to clean up from this?'" he said. "I think the best way to get through something like this is just one day at a time. What's before us today? What's the thing we can take care of today?"

Drake estimates it would cost $100,000 or so out of pocket to privately remove the trees. The retreat has started an online fundraiser to cover costs, but is also welcoming help from volunteers.

"Even in the midst of this destruction, God is still here, God is still with us and God is still with our guests," he said. "That will carry on, even in the midst of all of this."

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