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Interview: Vikings Ponder Talks 'Friday Night Lights'

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – Christian Ponder is the new kid on the Minnesota Vikings block.

The first-round draft pick quarterback has high expectations to fill, but Ponder is used to the pressure. He did, after all, play ball at Florida State, and he did grow up in Texas, where "Friday Night Lights" was branded.

"It was awesome," Ponder said, recalling his high school days. "I do miss high school ball, the comraderie, growing up with the guys … was awesome."

Texas football, Ponder said, is just like in the movies: Everyone goes out to the games, and the stadiums seat up to 15,000 people.

"It was like playing for a small college," he said.

The football coaches at those Texas high schools are treated like kings in their communities – just like in the movies.

"They're making six figures," Ponder said. "It's crazy."

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