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At Debate, Amy Klobuchar Warns In-Fighting Will Lead To Trump Winning In November

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- Democrats running to replace President Trump took the national stage Tuesday night in South Carolina. The debate was the last before voters in 16 states, including Minnesota, will head to the polls.

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar was still in the mix tonight, although many on Twitter pointed out that the moderators did not ask her a question until 7:17 p.m., well over a quarter-hour after the start of the debate.

She had a number of standout moments, WCCO's political reporter Pat Kessler noted, even trending on Twitter when she said she based her views of gun restrictions on how it affected her "Uncle Dick in the deer stand."

She also got a loud response from the audience when she admonished fellow Democrats for all of the infighting.

"If we spend the next four months tearing each other apart, Donald Trump will spend the next four years tearing our country apart," she said.

Indeed, the candidates were dropping their gloves and sometimes their manners. In the very first minute, Michael Bloomberg signaled out Bernie Sanders as Vladimer Putin's preferred candidate, because he would presumably lose to Donald Trump.

Much of the firepower on the stage was in service of taking aim at Bernie Sanders, thought to be the frontrunner for the nomination at this early point in the race. He was booed when he again defended the Cuban government under Fidel Castro.

The candidates also covered topics of foreign troops, the coronavirus, gun restrictions, and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg's controversial stop-and-frisk policies.

The South Carolina primary is on Saturday, leading into Super Tuesday.

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