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Hormel workers reject latest contract offer

Hormel workers vote no on latest contract offer
Hormel workers vote no on latest contract offer 00:38

AUSTIN, Minn. — Minnesota workers who put food on the dinner table want to get back to the bargaining table.

The meatpackers were marching on Labor Day, but on Friday, they voted "no" on Hormel Foods' latest contract offer.

The union says workers in Austin want a fair share of the company's record profits.

"Hormel's record profits are just wages not shared fairly with the rest of us. The reality is that we keep Hormel running. We demand that Hormel does better and comes to the table for a fair agreement quickly," the UFCW Local 663 bargaining committee said in a statement.

Hormel Foods said in a statement that they're disappointed in the vote.

"However we remain optimistic that we will reach agreement. The parties have agreed to a contract extension until October 8 as we continue negotiations. Hormel Foods has had strong working relationships with the UFCW for decades, including Austin, and remain confident that these positive relationships will continue as we finalize these new agreements," they said in a statement.

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