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Health Care Ruling May Not Sway Minn.'s Direction

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Gov. Mark Dayton has said little about what he will do once the U.S. Supreme Court rules on the federal health care overhaul, a decision anticipated on Thursday.

But Dayton tells The Associated Press Wednesday that he hopes and prays that the court "has the wisdom" to continue federal coverage for 84,000 vulnerable adults he switched to the Medicaid program as soon as he took office last year.

The first-term Democratic governor has been a big supporter of the health care overhaul.

His administration pursued more than $28 million in federal money to create a state health insurance marketplace, a centerpiece of the federal law.

Dayton's embrace of the overhaul is a full reversal of the stance taken by his Republican predecessor, Tim Pawlenty, who opposed it.

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