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Good Questions: Toilet Bowl Water, Wrapping Paper & Runny Noses

MINEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- It's Friday, and we're answering your Good Questions. This week, Heather Brown investigates toilet bowl water, recycling wrapping paper and runny noses.

Karen from Brooklyn Park asks: Why does toilet bowl water move when it's windy outside?

Most people have a vent stack on the roof of their home. It's connected to your plumbing system and lets gases vent outside and allows wastewater to drain more smoothly. When the wind blows over it on the roof, the air pressure down into the vent pipe is affected. That creates kind of a suction effect that pulls on the water.

Mike from Eagan wants to know: Can wrapping paper be recycled?

It depends on the type of paper and recycler. Anything with glitter or foil or heavy ink is generally not accepted. Very thin or low-quality paper also can't be recycled.  Low-ink, heavier brown paper can be accepted.  Counties and recyclers recommend people check out their websites to see what's accepted in a particular area.

Erik from Red Wing  asks: Why does our nose run when it's cold outside?

It's because the nose is trying to protect the lungs. The mucus, or snot, in the nose warms up and humidifies the cold, dry air a person breathes in. That extra mucus has to go somewhere, so gravity means it'll run down.

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