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From MedTech To Tater Tots: A Klobuchar Update

WCCO's Dave Lee Interviews Sen. Klobuchar


By Courtney King, NewsRadio 830 WCCO

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- In late January, Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts introduced bipartisan legislation that would help revitalize America's innovative edge and ability to compete in the global economy.

"We looked at a bunch of things to see what's really going to help here. One, making it easier to export and what are the barriers for some of our top exporting industries," said Klobuchar. "That includes Minnesota things like agriculture, agriculture machinery, medical devices, and a lot of our high-tech work."

Klobuchar said the second thing is making sure when people go to get a degree -- whether it's at a college or a technical school degree -- that it's really aimed in an area where they're going to be able to find a job.

Another of the senator's concerns is the shortage of drugs, especially cancer drugs.

"We are trying to get the drug companies to give an early warning to the FDA. So if they are going to run out of a drug or stop making it, it's not the patients that have to bare the problem here, or the doctor's."

Senator Klobuchar may have many important issues on her plate, but there is only one she calls "Taconite Tator Tot," her award-winning hotdish.

"People like it, except my daughter and a few Scandinavians thought it was too spicy because of the pepperjack cheese. It's just a little pepperjack cheese. I made it for the Super Bowl and she thought it was a little spicy," joked Klobuchar.

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