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Flyer Helps Reunite Dog With Owner 12 Days Later

EAGAN, Minn. (WCCO) -- These days, it's common to hear about getting the word out through social media.

But a recent reunion story was made possible between a dog and its owner because of a good old-fashioned flyer.

Lady looks a lot like a Lassie, and that's not their only thing in common. Lady's foster mom, Melissa Frier, lost her dog when her leash got caught while on a walk.

"It's like something out of a movie. Within that first like 40 minutes I had 15 or 16 volunteers looking for her and handing out flyers. It was amazing. I didn't sleep a lot," Frier said.

Twelve days into the search for her dog came the next random act of kindness.

Lady Lost Dog Found With Flyer
(credit: CBS)

Brad Wright was driving in Eagan to a spot two miles from where Lady first went missing when he spotted some familiar looking fur.

"I just happened to be in the right place at the right time," he said. "I saw this little mound of fur and it just hit me right away. I thought, snap, that's the dog they're looking for."

Wright then drove to a Rainbow Foods in Eagan where he remembered seeing the flyer for the dog. It's a flyer that Frier said a stranger must have put up.

"I don't know who did it," she said.

Within the hour, the two met and they, along with 15 others, formed a circle around Lady.

"Someone said out load, 'she's got her!' And then there was clapping, people were crying and I was tearing up," Frier said.

They were two hours Wright said he wouldn't trade for anything. Now it can be said that not only is dod a man's best friend, but she's Eagan's best friend too.

Aside from needing some grooming and being a little hungry, Lady's doing just fine. Frier said she's decided to keep Lady because this whole experience has shown how much she cares for the dog.

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