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Esme's Blog: President Bachmann?

The headline on today's story in Politico says: "Rep. Michele Bachmann rains on Tim Pawlenty's parade."

The Congresswoman's decision to float the possibility of a presidential run certainly has stolen the thunder of Pawlenty, who launched a national book tour this week. Bachmann managed to garner more publicity in 24-hours than Pawlenty has in his two years of trying to elevate himself to national prominence. Bachmann is already a national figure and if she decides to run I am convinced she will do very, very well especially in the first electoral contest in Iowa.

She is of course a lightning rod, but those who support her are passionate. And its passionate support, not lukewarm favoritism that can ignite a campaign. Her streamlined conservative views have made her a hero of the Tea Party. As for the Tea Party's other star, it's is not clear if Sarah Palin has what it takes to run. Just remembering the Katie Couric interview, one has to wonder if Palin can withstand the one on one interviews, the thousand of speeches, the spontaneous encounters that these days are all recorded by opponents waiting for gaffes.

Bachmann is much tougher, the veteran of hundreds of live national cable interviews, tough campaigns for the U.S. House and the MN legislature. The Republican presidential primaries and caucuses tend to favor the conservative candidates. Bachmann and the Tea Party base will also have the power to force any Republican nominee further to the right. Michele Bachmann may just run for President and no one should underestimate her.

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