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Esme's Blog: Caroline Lowe

By Esme Murphy, WCCO-TV

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- Today, Caroline Lowe announced she was leaving WCCO-TV. She will be joining what some call "WCCO West," with WCCO alumni anchors Jeanette Trompeter, John Reger, her own daughter, producer Shelby Rhodes and General Manager Kathleen Sullivan.

For the 20 years I have worked at WCCO-TV, Caroline has been the gold standard. In the old days, she was available 24/7 via pager. When Caroline got a Blackberry, the newsroom was never the same. The tips from her endless stream of sources kept coming, often filtered like golden scraps to the rest of us. Caroline seemed to delight in helping other reporters. Believe me that's a rarity.

But for all her accomplishments, including a Columbia Dupont Award, Caroline's greatest achievement may be as a pioneer who paved the way for other working TV Moms. She was the first woman TV reporter in the Twin Cities to work through pregnancies, to continue pounding the pavement, sometimes with toddlers in tow.

Now, she has decided to start over. A new job, a new state, a new life. It is rare to get a chance to start over on your own terms; to leave one brilliant career behind and take the jump to start another. It takes guts. It take a Caroline Lowe.

Caroline, we will all miss you.

And when you are in sunny California and your Blackberry blows up with news tips from the Twin Cities could you forward them to me?

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