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DeBlog: How Do The Stars Eat?

One of the funny things about being in Hollywood is all the food on every single set. Our first day, we visited the set of Rules of Engagement, where the food was abundant.

Snacky stuff was always out, but then for lunch on the Monday pre-shooting day -- Chick-fil-A.

In Minneapolis, I only know of a small Chick-fil-A at the University of Minnesota. This spread had chicken wraps, chicken sandwiches, spicy chicken, salad, brownies and on and on. Now you look at an actress like Megyn Price and wonder -- how does she still look so good and eat that stuff?

Let's be honest: I didn't see the stars really eating that stuff. The crew? The writers? The producers? The reporter from Minneapolis? Absolutely.


Then at the Quixote Studios where Criminal Minds was shooting, we found this snack set-up.


Who puts parmesan cheese on their popcorn? Not sure. It was good popcorn though.

One thing that's striking about visiting these sets is the amount of people involved in every show. The Big Bang Theory has about 150 people working on that show. And the people providing the catering -- just one more industry touched by the film and movie business in Hollywood.

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