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Day 2 Of Bachmann's 2012 Tour Goes To The Dogs

RAYMOND, N.H. (AP) -- In her new White House bid, Republican Michele Bachmann has gone to the dogs. And cats. And birds.

The Minnesota congresswoman argued in New Hampshire Tuesday that Washington is full of wasteful spending ideas.

She cited obscure bills, including one pushed by a Democrat a few years back to establish a $5 million a year conservation fund. It would have gone to help other countries protect rare foxes, wild dogs, lions, leopards and other endangered species.

The measure cleared the House but stalled in the Senate.

Bachmann, a tea party favorite, is campaigning on a theme of slimmer government while also calling for an array of tax cuts.

From New Hampshire, Bachmann headed to South Carolina. Bachmann returns to this weekend to Iowa, where she formally launched her campaign Monday.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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