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Cream Of Wild Rice Soup

Recipe from Doug Tigges - Serves 12


3 cups wild rice, uncooked
1.5 gallon water
1 lb. butter
1 lb. flour
2 oz. butter
1 lb. onion, diced fine
1 lb. celery, diced fine
1 lb. carrot, diced fine
½ Tbs. white pepper
8 oz. chicken base
2 qt. cream
1 qt. milk
1 pint chicken stock, reduced 75 percent
1 cup sherry wine


1. Cook wild rice in water until tender, approximately one-half hour. Do not drain!

2. Melt 2 oz butter in large sauce pan; add onion, celery and carrots. Cook until vegetables are tender.

3. While vegetables are cooking, melt 1 lb butter in sauce pan and add flour. Cook on burner on low heat 5-10 minutes being careful not to scorch. This makes the roux.

4. Add vegetables, chicken base and reduced stock to rice. Bring to simmer.

5. Add cooked roux and stir well incorporating roux into liquid. Continue cooking until broth thickens.

6. Add cream, white pepper and milk and bring back to simmer and turn off burner. Taste to check salt.

7. Add sherry and remove from heat.

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