As Minnesota's Cold Weather Rule nears end, assistance is available for help with bills
MINNEAPOLIS -- With Minnesota's Cold Weather Rule expiring soon, energy companies want customers to know there is assistance available to help with bills.
The Cold Weather Rule, which began on Oct. 1 and expires on April 30, is a state law that protects energy customers from having their electric or natural gas service disconnected during cold months.
Energy customers who need assistance can apply to the Minnesota Energy Assistance Program, but the deadline is coming soon on May 31. That program pays up to $2,000 towards heat, power, water and other costs for eligible households. For more information, click here.
Xcel Energy and Centerpoint Energy both offer assistance programs for those who qualify.
Xcel Energy warns that certain scams typically ramp up during the change in season, so anyone with doubt about the authenticity of a call is encouraged to call the company directly to report the experience.