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Catching Up With Vikings' Hall Of Fame Coach Bud Grant

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- WCCO-TV Anchor Mark Rosen got a chance to sit down and talk football with Vikings' Hall Of Fame coach, Bud Grant.

Back in the early 1980s, Mark Rosen co-hosted The Bud Grant Show. The final show took place in 1983 and Bud Grant retired from the Vikings a few weeks later. Les Steckel took over in 1984 but after Steckel was fired, Grant came back for one more season in 1985 before stepping down for good.

Although he retired from coaching after the 1985 season, he's never wandered far from the Vikings organization. He still has an office at Winter Park that he goes to each week.

Watch part one of the interview below and see what Grant says about the Vikings and their rivalry with the Packers and his history with the organization.


In part two of the interview, Grant talks about his start of his professional coaching experience -- with the Canadian Football League.


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