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Brian Abrahamson (Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party): 2022 Election Guide

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We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Congress this fall, as well as all statewide contests. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of political questions.

Below are 1st Congressional District candidate Brian Abrahamson's answers to the questionnaire. He did not provide a video.

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Do you oppose or support abortion rights?

I support abortion rights. I believe that making abortion illegal will only bring unsafe, and unregulated abortions. It won't stop them.

Do you believe there should term limits be set for members of U.S. Congress? For Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court?

In essence there's already term limits for Congress. Every two years there's an election for Congress. If they win they deserve to represent. I believe that that there should be term limits for US Supreme Court Justices. They shouldn't be lifetime terms.

In the wake of alleged fraud related to COVID relief funds, what needs to be done to continue investigating fraud of this kind and magnitude, and uncover just how much of it occurred?

There should be investigations. There should have been proper due diligence in the first place.

Do you believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States?

I am not a fan of Biden, but he did win. Everyone that has disputed that, has been debunked.

Do you support Biden for Democratic nominee in 2024? Do you support Trump If he seeks the Republican nomination in 2024?

I don't support either one. I am an independent/3rd party candidate, and will more than likely support a 3rd party candidate.

What is responsible for inflation and what steps do you advocate to stabilize and lower soaring prices?

Greed. Pure and simple greed. Corporations are making money off us based on a lie. As usual.

Should politicians be allowed to trade stocks?


What is the government's responsibility when it comes to climate change?

We must support solar, wind, and water energy. I support a Green New Deal type of environment.

Do you agree with President Biden's plan to forgive $10,000 of student debt for most Americans who have outstanding student loans?

We should eliminate all student debt. And offer tuition free education especially for trade schools, and small colleges.

Do you believe there should be laws enacted to put limits or ban automatic weapons sales in the U.S.?

There should be limits, which should ban automatic weapons. If you want to use an assult rifle, you should be in the military.  

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