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Brainerd Pet Store Gets Stolen Bird Back

BRAINERD, Minn. (AP) -- A Brainerd pet store has gotten its stolen cockatiel back.

An unidentified woman walked into PetNorth on Friday and returned the $90 bird.

Store owner Sarah Buchite tells the Brainerd Dispatch the bird was cold and in a shoe box, but appears to be in good health.

Buchite says the woman would not give her name but said she was supposed to drop the bird off at the pet store.

The 9-year-old girl whose mother had put a deposit down on the bird picked up her new pet Friday afternoon.

Two women were caught on video stealing the 12-week-old cockatiel Wednesday night. Store employees say a woman in a wheelchair was seen on camera taking the bird out of its cage and hiding it under her jacket.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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