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Bite Of Minnesota: Indian Slaw

The beauty of a weekly crop share is that there is never a shortage of produce in our fridge. Even our smaller salad share keeps us eating fresh meals through the week. I look forward to receiving the newsletter and box each week so I can dig in and start meal-planning.

Each week the box contents vary but most weeks contain salad mix, zucchini and summer squash, onions, herbs, potatoes, and an array of other seasonal items like green cabbage, tomatoes, green beans, and broccoli. Quite a selection for  a salad share, right?

I had cabbage on the brain when my favorite Indian chef, Raghavan Iyer, posted his recipe for Bund Gobhi Nu Shaak, also known simply as Indian Slaw. This mayo-free, flavorful slaw is a stunner. Not only are the flavors excellent, the turmeric gives the softened cabbage a beautiful yellow tinge.

The Indian Slaw recipe is from Raghavan's latest cookbook, Indian Cooking Unfolded. This dish is super simple to put together and since I didn't another dish to clean, I used chopped peanuts, skipping the spice grinder. You're doing yourself a favor using unsweetened coconut shreds, which adds to the nuttiness and gives just a hint of natural sweetness. I buy mine at Bill's Imported Foods in Minneapolis and Namaste Plaza in St. Louis Park.

Check out Raghavan's recipe here.

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