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Bite Of Minnesota: Finding Balance In 2012

Happy New Year! After feeling like the holidays came and went like a winter snowstorm, I was ready for a little calm around the new year and a few days of vacation. It gave me time to finish unpacking boxes after the recent move, hang pictures on the walls, and feel more settled in our new home.

I also spent a lot of time exploring our new Uptown Minneapolis neighborhood indulging in beers, burgers, buttered popcorn and bar food, none of which was particularly healthy, but was certainly enjoyable!

Now that the break is over it's time to get serious about what 2012 is going to look like and for me, it's going to be all about finding balance. Balance between eating out and cooking at home, balance between my day job and my freelance work, and balance between working out and watching TV.

Step one? Seek out more meals like this one:

Teriyaki Rice Bowl @ True Thai
(credit: Crystal Grobe)

The Teriyaki Rice Bowl from True Food Kitchen in Phoenix was healthy and delicious, packing in whole grains, vegetables, protein and a ton of flavor. Since True Food Kitchen won't be popping up in Minnesota anytime soon, I searched for a similar recipe from restaurant co-owner, Dr. Andrew Weil. While his recipe uses tofu, chicken or shrimp can easily be substituted – just wok-fry it first with a little canola oil and set aside on a plate while the vegetables cook. Return chicken or shrimp pieces to the pan just before adding the sauce so everything can incorporate together.

What are your goals for 2012?

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