The Animal Health Team performs a variety of procedures while Veterinary Technician, Abby Sigward, monitors anesthesia. (Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
The Animal Health Team performs several procedures simultaneously to minimize the time that Shango needs to be under anesthesia.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Dr. Schnellbacher deposits a sample into a test tube for COVID-19 testing.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Shango has a nasal sample taken for COVID-19 testing.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Nasal sample is deposited into test tube for COVID-19 testing.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
A throat sample is taken for COVID-19 testing.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
A variety of procedures are performed while Shango is under anesthesia (he has an old injury that prevents him from being able to cataract the middle finger of his left hand so please don’t think that hand is consciously positioned that way!)
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Shango has his right arm X-Rayed at the sight of a bite wound to insure that there is no skeletal damage.(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
X-Ray of Shango’s right arm.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Zoo Miami Associate Veterinarian, Dr. Gaby Flacke, performs an abdominal ultrasound examination on Shango.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Zoo Veterinary Technician Abby Sigward, performs a dental cleaning on Shango.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Bite wound on Shango’s left hand.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
C/U of Shango’s face under anesthesia
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Severe bite wounds on Shango’s right arm.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Animal Health Team performs a bronchoscopy on Shango.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Animal Health Team performs a bronchoscopy on Shango
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Dr. Gaby Flacke performs an abdominal ultrasound on Shango.
(Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Shango receives a dental cleaning. (Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)
Shango the Gorilla Zoo Miami
Shango receives a dental cleaning. (Ron Magill/Zoo Miami)