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Valentine's Day Flower Arrangements Put To Test

MIAMI (CBS4) - Valentine's Day is just around the corner and flower wholesalers and retailers are hearing the caching of big time sales.

Americans spend $1.7 billion dollars a year on flowers. But before you plop down your hard-earned cash for a bouquet of roses, or charge that pricey arrangement on your credit card, you probably want to know if you're getting the best bang for your buck.

In an unscientific test, arrangements were ordered from three different online petal pushers and a local florist. The judge was none other than celebrity floral designer Michael Gaffney.

The first arrangement put to the test was one called "Sweet Delights" ordered online from Florist Express for $93 which included price and delivery. When it arrived, Gaffney was underwhelmed.

"Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow," he said, "We should have three of these lined up for this price. Are you sure we have the right order?"

Next up the "Fun & Flirty" arrangement from 1-800-Flowers which was purchased and delivered for a grand total of $70.00. Again, Gaffney was not impressed.

"Boy. I don't know how they get away with this," said Gaffney, "This I would set on a country kitchen table. Maybe. We are missing the boat completely here."

As for the arrangement ordered from the local floral shop, at $54 it was another disappointment. Not only did it not look like the one pictured in the ad, the roses were on the arrangement were a different variety than those that reportedly came with it.

One positive finding was that 1-800 Flowers, Florist Express and the local shop all offered a replacement arrangement no questions asked.

Gaffney said if you want the best value when buying flowers be very specific about what you want in the arrangement when you order it. If you go to the florist in person, ask questions: how often do they buy their flowers, what flowers do they keep in stock, etc.

Once the flowers arrive there are three important steps to keep them fresh if they are not in an arrangement. First, cut the ends off and then soak the flowers in water for 30 minutes before putting them in a vase. Secondly, change the water every couple of days. Finally, add a drop or two bleach to the water to kill off any bacteria.

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