Trump To Conclave: "Our Victory Was A Win For Conservative Values"
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WASHINGTON (CBSMiami) -- President Donald Trump addressed the annual Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday.
"I love this place, I love you people," Trumped opened. "It really is an honor to be here. I wouldn't miss a chance to talk to my friends."
Trump told the crowd that his first major speech was at CPAC five years ago.
"It was very exciting, I walked the stage, I had very little notes and even less preparation, then you leave and everybody was thrilled I said 'I think I like this business'."
Trump then thanked the conservatives for hanging in there with him. Trump said during the election the consultants didn't think he could win, which was a mistake.
"They all underestimated the power of the people, and the people proved them totally wrong," he said, "You never underestimate the people."
Trump then lashed out at the media.
"I want you to know we are all fighting the fake news. It's fake, phony, fake. A few days ago I called the fake news the enemy of the people and they are, they are the enemy of the people because they have no sources. They just make them up when there are none," he said. "They are very dishonest people. In fact, in covering my comments, the dishonest media did not explain that I called the fake news the enemy of the people, the fake news. They dropped off the word 'fake' and all of the sudden the story became the media is the enemy. And now I'm saying 'oh no, this is no good.' That's the way they are."
Trump said he's not against the media and doesn't mind bad stories if he deserves them, he just against the fake news media and press. He hinted at CNN and their polls, calling it the "Clinton News Network."
The president said despite all the 'fake' news against him, he and his campaign of conservative values were able to prevail.
"Our victory was a victory and a win for conservative values."
Trump said there some movements, like Bernie Sanders, but they petered out. He added that they got a lot of Sanders supporters.
The president then turned his attention to what he called their movement's core convictions.
"We are a nation that puts, and will put, it's own citizens first. For too long we've traded away our jobs to other countries, it's so terrible. We've defended other nations' borders while leaving ours wide open. We're going to build the wall," said Trump.
He then touched on his crackdown on immigration.
"We are getting the bad people out of our country, whether it's drugs or murder, we're getting the bad ones out. Those are the ones, they go first," said Trump. "Basically I've said it from day one and I've kept my promise."
Trump also touched on his plans to repeal the Obama-era Affordable Care Act.
"Obamacare covers very few people," he said. "We're going to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Obamacare doesn't work. The bottom line is we're changing it, we're going to make it better. We are going to make it less expensive, we are going to make it much better."
Trump said the era of empty talk is over.
"Now is the time for action. So let me tell you about the actions we are taking right now to deliver on our promise to the American people and on my promise to make America great again. We've taken swift and strong action to secure the southern border of the United States and to begin the construction of a great, great border wall," Trump said.
The president said the wall will also help stop the drugs pouring into the country.
"We get the drugs, they get the money. We get the problems, they get the cash. No good, it's gonna stop," he said. "As we speak today, immigration officers are finding the gang members, the drug dealers, and the criminal aliens and throwing them the hell out of the country. And we will not let them back in."
Trumps said he's also working with the Justice Department to reduce violent crime. He also addressed trade and the economy.
"We will fix our broken and embarrassing trade deals," said Trump. "We will cut wasteful spending. We will promote our values. We will rebuild our inner cities."
He added, "The GOP will be from now on the party also of the American worker. We have an amazing, strong, powerful party that truly does want to see America be great again."
Trump's speech came amid yet another report connected to his alleged ties to Russia.
Both the Associated Press and CNN reported that White House Chief of Staff Priebus pressed FBI officials to publicly downplay media accounts of communications between members of Trump's campaign and Russian intelligence officials.
The FBI reportedly refused the alleged White House request.
Aside from speaking at the CPAC, the president is also expected to sign another Executive Order at the White House and meet with former rival and critic, Ohio Governor John Kasich.