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Trump convenes summit at his Doral golf course on Hispanic issues

Trump convenes summit at his Doral golf course on Hispanic issues
Trump convenes summit at his Doral golf course on Hispanic issues 01:51

DORAL - Republican heavyweights and prominent Hispanic business owners rallied around former president Donald Trump on Tuesday as he led a Latino Summit at his golf club.

"I think the biggest problem is what's happening at the border," Trump said. "They allowed our country to be destroyed."

Immigration attorney Mayra Joli, who supports Trump and attended the summit, agrees with the presidential candidate.

Her family emigrated from the Dominican Republic 30 years ago and went through the citizenship procesa.

"To fix the border you have to shut the door," Joli said. " And anybody who comes  through has to be vetted.

Though the former president swayed more Latino voters in 2020, he lost to President Joe Biden in Miami-Dade County 

Despite that Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said his track record proves his Latino loyalty 

"He had the lowest Latino unemployment, highest home ownership and lowest poverty level among Hispanics during his tenure" Suarez said. 

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott of Florida also spoke at the event.

After the summit Trump went Greensboro, North Carolina, for a rally in the battleground state.

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