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Town of Surfside honors condo collapse victims with street renaming

98 Points of Light Way street to honor those lost in building collapse
98 Points of Light Way street to honor those lost in building collapse 01:55

MIAMI - The town of Surfside held a special tribute Thursday for those who lost their lives in the Champlain Towers collapse.

It was for the unveiling of 98 Points of Light Way on Collins Avenue. Director of the Miami-Dade Police Department, Freddy Ramirez reflected on its significance.

"Remembering the grandparents, parents the children that we lost on that day, the 98 souls that were lost and remembering the bravery and the hard work for the first responders, the police, the social workers, the victim advocates that all converged here as one. So, to bring closure for the families and the struggle continues," said Ramirez. 

Surfside's mayor says the marker will ensure that long after a new building goes up, everybody who passes by will always remember what happened there.

Mayor Shlomo Danzinger said the need for condo safety reform is urgent.

"For all that is done in the wake of this collapse, fighting for condo safety reform, pushing these bills through and the changes we've seen here today. This ensures that hopefully a tragedy like this never happens again," said Mayor Danzinger. 

"Every single member of the Florida house of representatives co-sponsored this legislation. Just so everybody knows, there is a full commitment from Tallahassee and statewide to support not only the condo reform but to make sure we commemorate the loss of lives," said Rep. Michael Grieco of District 113. 

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