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Top Mommy & Me Classes In South Florida

Women are always trying to lose the post-baby fat after giving birth. Dieting may help, but exercising is also an important part of losing those unwanted pounds. Finding time to exercise is difficult with a baby or toddler in tow. Mommy and me exercise classes can not only help mommy lose weight, but they help mom and baby deepen their bond towards each other. The bond between mother and child begins in the womb. But why should the bonding end at birth? With many moms and dads both working, finding bonding time with children can be difficult. But parents can bond with their child at many different venues in South Florida.

Miami Children's Museum

980 MacArthur Causeway
Miami, FL 33132
(305) 373-5437

Miami Children's Museum offers two different mommy and me classes. Mini Masters of Art is a 45 minute art class for toddlers aged six months through 18 months and 18 months through two and a half years. Each child enrolled in the class will have a chance to learn about different painting methods and techniques, as well as participating in many other art and craft activities. MiChiMu Music in Motion focuses on using songs, in both English and Spanish, to enhance language skills. Music in Motion classes are available for two different age groups: six to 12 months and one to two years old. All of the mommy and me classes held at Miami Children's Museum depend heavily on parents being involved with their child.

Muzart Creative Art Studio

1946 Harrison St.
Hollywood, FL 33020
(954) 924-1133

Muzart Creative Art Studio teaches musical arts for babies. For the little ones, parent participation is encouraged for the best results. Drawing, painting, mixed media and even portfolio prep are offered at Muzart's. Both private and group instruction are available for all age groups. In January 2015, Muzart Creative Art Studio was named as one of South Florida's top gathering spots for parents.

Baby Stars

3565 N.E. 207 St., Suite A-9
Aventura, FL 33180
(305) 466-1886

Mommy and me classes held at Baby Stars encourage bonding between parent and child. Baby Stars specializes in working with children ages three months up to three years of age. There are five different rooms designed with age appropriate games and activities for children to learn and bond with their parent. Baby Stars even offers prenatal classes as well as motherhood classes for those parents expecting children or who have recently given birth. Prospective mommy and me participants are even invited to take their first class for free.

Related: Top Parent Gathering Spots In South Florida 


Mommycise Fitness

1845 Cordova Road, #213
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
(954) 368-7598

Mommycise Fitness was originally created to help mommies lose the post-baby fat that comes with carrying a baby for nine months. All of their classes are designed so that both mommy and baby can exercise together. Exercise classes for mommies and babies include fat burning intervals, cardio, stretching and strength training. Although designed with mommy in mind, dad, grandpa or grandma or even siblings are also invited to bring the baby to class for a great exercise and bonding.

Ellen's Ultimate Work Out

Field of Flowers Plaza
5173 S. University Drive
Davie, FL 33328
(954) 472-9440

Several types of mommy and me classes are offered at Ellen's Ultimate Work Out. Fit baby and fit toddler classes are designed for children three months through 24 months. Each class includes exercises to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and help baby and parent bond. Ellen's also offers exercise classes with mommy in mind. Mommies may bring their little ones to the mommycise class and either exercise with their child or keep their child in a carrier or stroller.

Related: Top Local Gyms That Provide Child Care In South Florida 

Katherine Bostick is a freelance writer covering all things Tampa Bay. Her work can be found on

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