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The Fight For Hope In The Fight For Will

MIAMI (CBS4) - A simple doctor's visit last December changed 26-year-old Will Rodriguez's life forever, and inspired a non-profit in a fight for hope.

"I'm 26-years-old, I have stage 4 lymphoma cancer, which is a blood cancer," Rodriguez explained to CBS4's Nicole Maristany.

Rodriguez describes the despair he felt moments after he learned the news, "I have cancer, what is next, what does that mean, what's in store for me, what do I have to do?"

In an attempt to save his life, Rodriguez immediately went into action but was shocked at the high-price of chemotherapy.

"I had night sweats, itching, and fatigue. All of these were symptoms of lymphoma, they would come on, be there for a day or two, and then they would go away," said Rodriguez. "And I was the type of person, like a lot of people, a lot of people our age don't go to the doctor".

The cost for chemotherapy and other treatments soon became a concern.

"As a lot of people I was unemployed. At the time and going back to school and I didn't have medical insurance," explained Rodriguez. "I asked, what are we looking at in terms of cost, and when they start throwing out at you 6 or 7 figures, you know you start to get a little scared."

But things became a little brighter for Will when his friends and family came together to help collect money, and eventually started a non-profit in his name. "Fight For Will" will allow others to donate to help pay for the procedures that they hope will save his life.

"If we were talking about fighting and boxing and that stuff, I'd be at round one, round two, who knows, but it could grow to do big things" Rodriguez said with excitement. He hopes that his foundation will not only help to collect the needed funds, but he also aims to raise the spirits of others in the fight against cancer.

"This whole organization is all about the fight, the struggle and knowing that it's OK to feel bad. But you have to stand up and fight another day," said Rodriguez.

To join the "Fight For Will" visit call Neighbors 4 Neighbors at 305-597-4404.

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