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Sports Agenda For Wednesday (2/16/11)

Big Story:
Well, Dwyane Wade saved the day again last night as he poured in 41 points, including 31 in the first half, to help the Heat survive a scare in Indiana. But the bigger story is coming from FIU.

More precisely, the story is what FIU is trying to cover-up. In politics, the old axiom is the cover-up is worse than the crime. Well, at FIU, they have a star player who has elevated the program to unforeseen heights and has ESPN ready to broadcast parts of their baseball game live. The problem is that the same player is accused of felony rape.

The silence from FIU has been deafening since the alleged incident happened. But now, FIU has made the player and coaches available the catch is that if anyone asks about the crime, the interview is over and that person will have their credentials to cover FIU revoked.

Really? Could there be any more arrogance and flat out attempts at censorship coming from the University, which is funded by state and national tax money and therefore a government institution? Prior restraint? First Amendment?

It's sad ESPN is there, because the best thing that could happen would be that no one showed up to cover any of the games. Now, don't get me wrong, he's innocent until proven guilty, but most schools don't let accused felons play. But, sadly, it seems FIU is sacrificing the good name of the university in order to get its name on the front pages of the sports media.

Okay, off the soapbox and back to the Heat and company.

Heat: @Toronto (7:00 p.m. Sun Sports)
Well, for the first time since coming to the Heat, Chris Bosh will return to his old stomping grounds of Toronto to play the Raptors. Something tells me his reception there will be much better than the reception LeBron got in Cleveland. But I've been wrong before.

Last night, the Heat pounded the Pacers in the first quarter and then the first half and then fell asleep. DWade dropped 41 on the Pacers and LeBron and CBosh contributed 27 and 22 respectively. The 90 points from the Big Three was one of the highest of the season for the group.

It also brought the Heat's win total to 40 for the first half of the season. The Heat are also tied with the Celtics for the best record in the Eastern Conference. The Heat through the first half of the season have compiled a 27-8 record in the conference and have lost only 5 games at home this season. They are 9-1 in the team's last ten games and the team can hit 41 wins by the end of the night Wednesay and have I believe the best record in team history at the All-Star Break.

Somewhere, Pat Riley and Mickey Arison are smiling and letting out one heckuva evil mad scientist laugh.

NFL Labor Update:
Well, if you didn't know already, a lockout is all but certain. The NFL said they want to negotiate, the players say they want to negotiate. The problem is neither side is NEGOTIATING! Both sides are dug in, especially the owners who want more money. Interestingly enough though, we haven't heard anything from Dolphins owner Stephen Ross. My guess is he's staying out of the spotlight after he had such a spectacular beginning to the off-season.

The NFLPA won't budge much past a 50-50 split, but owners want 2 billion off the top of the revenue pie and then divide the rest with the players. Most owners expect that the television deals will continue to pay them even if there is no football. This is true based on various reports, but if you think the NFLPA won't seek a temporary injunction against the league from collecting that revenue then to quote ESPN….C'MON MAN.

The Marlins pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training on Friday, but the NL East is going to essentially be a two-team race between the Phillies and Braves. The Phillies are expected to challenge the Giants and if it's all about pitching, it's hard to argue with either the Giants or Phillies getting to the NLCS. The Braves have the ponies to get the wildcard, which will leave the Mets and Marlins looking forward to next year…well, the Marlins anyways.

Panthers: vs. Philadelphia Flyers (7:30 p.m. Fox Sports Florida)
The Panthers hit the ice again tonight, but this time they welcome in the best team in the east. In other words…yikes. While the Panthers are not likely to drop past 12th place in the Eastern Conference, they also aren't likely to get higher than 10th.

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