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Something Extra: Sugar Daddies

MIAMI (CBS4) - Is there a sugar daddy epidemic?

There certainly seems to be one, at least online.  The number of websites that offer to arrange a "sugar daddy" relationship have exploded, as have the number of people involved.  A study conducted by one of the major sites,, says the number of active sugar daddies has soared into the hundreds of thousands.

The average American sugar daddy is thirty nine years old, makes more than a quarter million dollars a year, has a net worth of more than five million dollars and spends more than fifty thousand dollars a year on his sugar baby.  41% percent are married.

South Florida ranks eighth when it comes to the highest density of sugar daddies... 2.14 sugar daddies out of every 1000 men.  The South Floridian sugar daddies are richer and more generous than the national average, but fewer are married, about 31%.

One thing that amazes me is how many people do this publicly, putting their pictures online.

Is this all thinly veiled prostitution?  Or, as some have euphemistically argued, relationships involving extreme gifting?

Tomato, to-mah-to?  What do you think? Please leave a comment.

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