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Something Extra: Social Media Olympics Dark Period

MIAMI (CBS4) - If you're like me and much of the country, you have Olympics fever and love spending time with family and friends, biting our nails while we cheer on U.S. athletes.

But NBC's tape-delayed broadcasts of the marquee events, are causing a fairly new problem in our increasingly inter-connected world.

In the old days, people who didn't want to know what happened, would just avoid newscasts during the day and then watch the events at night.

But now, with twenty-four hour news, Twitter, Facebook and news apps on our smart phones, it's almost impossible to avoid finding out what happened before the events air.

The Associated Press is reporting people are making Olympic-sized efforts to make sure they don't see any spoilers.

They're deleting news apps, turning off phone alerts and going into what some are calling a "social media Olympics dark period," never checking Twitter or Facebook.

That's what our executive producer Miguel Fernandez and I are doing.

It's especially hard in a newsroom, because we have to go to news sites for our job, so we've also become adept at ignoring the Olympics items.



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